Frequently Asked Questions

  • We provide Telehealth to residents of PSYPACT Participating States:

    AL, AR, AZ, CO, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, ME, MD, MN, MO, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NV, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WI, WV.

    You must be physically located in one of these states for us to work together.

  • Dr. Miller at Thrive is in-network with several insurance companies:

    • Aetna

    • Optum (includes UnitedHealthCare, Oscar, and Oxford)

    • Cigna

    ***Dr. Miller is located and licensed in Ohio, and if you have coverage with one of the above insurance companies but live in another state, you may or may not be able to use your benefits. Check your coverage and estimated out-of-pocket costs HERE with Alma, our billing partner.

    For other insurance companies, Thrive is an out-of-network provider. We will provide a detailed “superbill” for treatment sessions, which you can use to seek out-of-network reimbursement from your insurance company (CPT codes: 90791, 90837, 90834).

  • If we are in-network with your insurance company, please confirm coverage and get your out-of-pocket cost estimate HERE at our billing partner’s website.

    The following are self-pay rates for treatment (i.e., without using insurance benefits):

    Initial assessment + feedback (60 min): $260

    Treatment sessions (45 min): $200

    Note: All clients begin with an initial assessment + feedback session, during which we will provide sleep education and propose a treatment plan. We will also give you recommendations (or referrals, if appropriate), so that you will have an actionable plan for improving your sleep even if we don’t end up working together.

  • Behavioral sleep medicine (BSM) refers to a collection of evidence-based approaches for assessing and treating sleep-wake disorders. Assessment involves a sleep specialist using a range of methods to understand your sleep problems in the context of your physical/mental health, physical/social environment, and other factors. Treatment involves you collaborating with your provider on non-medication approaches to improving sleep, such as changing your nighttime and daytime behaviors, customizing your daily schedule, reframing your beliefs about sleep, and tweaking your living environment.

    For example, cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is a BSM treatment, and it is highly effective for adults with insomnia. Most people with sleep problems can benefit from BSM approaches, especially if they are interested in decreasing their use of sleep medications.

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is one treatment under the BSM umbrella and the gold standard treatment for adult insomnia. American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends it more strongly than it recommends all sleep medications (including over-the-counter ones) because it has consistently demonstrated high efficacy and low risk in numerous high-quality clinical trials. In practice, it involves:

    -Tracking your sleep and learning to understand factors that contribute to your insomnia

    -Learning the science of sleep to let go of misconceptions that have kept you stuck in unhelpful patterns

    -Changing daytime and nighttime behaviors to increase sleepiness and decrease arousal (e.g., racing mind)

    -Practicing skills and gaining knowledge for sustaining sleep health in the long term, including during stressful times

    -Decreasing use of sleep medications, if this is your goal

  • We use evidence-based behavioral sleep medicine approaches to help patients improve their sleep and daytime functioning. To increase access to this type of specialist care, we offer telehealth. Here’s how it usually works:

    -After the initial assessment + feedback session, we meet once weekly (or every-other-weekly) for 45-min videoconference sessions to learn new skills, assess progress, and solve problems.

    -You are welcome to ask questions between sessions and we will respond within 48 business hours.

    -For insomnia, a full course of treatment usually lasts 4-6 sessions. People often experience significant benefit after 1-3 sessions.

    -For other sleep problems, we may only do 1-2 consultation sessions, or engage in ongoing therapy, depending on your symptoms and preferences.

  • No. We will review your sleep medication history and current medications during the initial assessment. We will discuss your goals regarding sleep medications and we will propose a treatment plan towards those goals.

    *Important: Do not make any changes to your medications (including over-the-counter medications) without supervision from your doctor (or other prescribing healthcare provider). With some sleep medications, stopping too quickly can be dangerous or can increase sleep problems in the long term.

  • Currently, we are only taking adult patients (18+).

  • We recommend these resources for adults with trouble falling or staying asleep:


    “Hello Sleep: The Science and Art of Overcoming Insomnia Without Medications” - Dr. Jade Wu (pre-order link on homepage)

    “Quiet Your Mind and Get to Sleep” - Dr. Colleen Carney and Dr. Rachel Manber

    Apps and online programs:

    Sleepio (available through some employers;

    Somryst (by prescription only; ask your doctor)

    CBT-I Coach App (designed for veterans but free for everyone)

    Directories for other CBT-I providers:

  • Thank you for considering referring one of your patients to Thrive. You can send referral information to our secure email:

    …or fax number:

    (984) 278-5424

    To learn more about the clinical services we offer, please contact us and Dr. Angela Miller, our Clinic Director, will be happy to talk with you.