Sleep should be a friend, not a chore.

Sleep problems we treat


Struggling to fall or stay asleep is a lonely and frustrating experience. Fortunately, whether you’ve had insomnia for a few months or decades, it’s possible to overcome it without medications. In fact, cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is the gold standard treatment that the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends over any sleep medication. We tailor CBT-I to your unique sleep-wake patterns and help you to taper off medications.

Usual course of therapy: 4-8 sessions 

Difficulty with PAP treatment

You know it’s important to use your Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) machine, but it just feels impossible to stick with it. We can help you to get comfortable with your life-saving PAP treatment, whether you’re experiencing claustrophobia, low motivation, PAP-related insomnia, or other barriers. This work can happen simultaneously with CBT-I or other sleep treatments so you can improve all of your sleep difficulties in a sustainable way.

Usual course of therapy: 2-4 sessions

Coping with narcolepsy or hypersomnia

Narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia can be debilitating conditions that disrupt your relationships, work success, creative pursuits, and self-esteem. But it’s possible to live a full life with medication treatments and behavioral skills. We take a compassionate approach to helping you manage symptoms, create workarounds, and communicate with your important people in a way that empowers you.

Usual course of therapy: 4-6 sessions


Nightmaring is a learned behavior for the brain. That means it can be unlearned. Overcoming persistent nightmares can improve your overall sleep, decrease anxiety/depression, and decrease symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Using imagery rehearsal therapy (IRT), the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommended treatment, we can help you to gain control over your dream experience.

Usual course of therapy: 1-3 sessions 

Circadian rhythm disorders

When your biological clock is thrown off rhythm by jetlag, shiftwork, or trying to live as a hardwired night owl in a morning person’s world (i.e., delayed sleep phase)… it’s impossible to feel good or function well. We use scheduling, light, and medication timing to help your circadian clock align with your work/social obligations, or to create a sustainable sleep-wake system that allows you to get the most out of life.

Usual course of therapy: 2-4 sessions

Pregnancy and postpartum sleep problems

Pregnancy and new parenthood are times of incredible change, biologically, emotionally, and in your life rhythms. Sleep can often suffer. But with evidence-based approaches, we can decrease/prevent many maternal sleep problems and set up systems for whole family sleep health. Better sleep means better meeting both the joys and challenges of this profound time of change.

Usual course of therapy: varies by stage

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